Serving Hudson County’s Progressive Jewish Community for Over 150 Years

Jews of Color & People of Color in the Reform Movement Affinity Space Gatherings

We are pleased to announce our upcoming Jews of Color & People of Color in the Reform Movement Affinity Space Gatherings! These gatherings are led by and for Jews of Color & People of Color who are Jewish Adjacent (those of us who are People of Color & do not identify as Jewish, but are partnered with a Jewish person or part of a Jewish family). Our hosts for the calls are Yolanda Savage-Narva and Deitra Reiser.

Affinity spaces offer People of Color a safe space to have honest and open conversations, and to connect around their lived experiences, without having to comfort or teach white people about race & racism. Therefore this meeting is specifically only for People of Color, 18 years & older.

Please know that we understand People of Color are not a monolith, and that Black & Brown people are disproportionately affected by many forms of systemic oppression. However for this call, we will be inviting all Jews of Color & Jewish Adjacent People of Color to participate. We understand that some people are mixed race, multiracial, biracial, and may hold multiple identities (ex; white & Black, Black & Southeast Asian, etc.). For the purposes of registration below, we are using the term “Person of Color”, which we understand does not capture the nuance of everyone’s identity. In addition, this particular affinity space is intended to be a safe and inclusive space for Jews & Jewish Adjacent individuals connected to the Reform Movement in anyway, from all genders, faiths, sexualities, disabilities, varying socioeconomic backgrounds, and any other intersectional identity.

To learn more about these gatherings and/or to register, please visit:

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