Serving Hudson County’s Progressive Jewish Community for Over 150 Years

Now is the Time to Renew Your Temple Membership


June 21 - August 31    
All Day

Event Type

Now Is The Time To Renew Temple Membership

Terumah (Dues) Are Remaining the Same

Yes, it’s the time of year when we remind our members to renew their membership and pledge for the coming year, which begins July 1.

And Yes, it’s also the time of year when we look at the budget to determine the amount of suggested Terumah.

For the coming fiscal year (2024-25), the Board has determined that despite inflation, we will keep the suggested Terumah in place at $2800 per family.

Once again, those who step up and pledge $3600 or more will be recognized in our Benefactors’ Circle. Thank you to the eleven Benefactor families who stepped up this last fiscal year.  This year, our ambitious goal is 20 Benefactor families. We know not everyone can afford that level of financial support, but if you are fortunate enough to be able to–please consider increasing your Terumah to join our Benefactor’s Circle. The difference between the suggested Terumah and the Benefactor level means a great deal to our Temple’s bottom line.

If you are on autopay, your membership and Terumah pledge is automatically renewed. However, we ask those of you on autopay to take a moment to consider whether you can increase your monthly or quarterly payments by a bit more. An increased autopay commitment also does wonders for our budget.

Of course, our Terumah (free-will dues) policy remains in place While we hope you will be as generous as you can be, most important is that all who wish to be part of our community are members regardless of financial ability.

The link to renew membership is here


Philip Gary, President

Nancy Sambul, VP, Membership, Fundraising & Finance

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